Your interest in partnership with God Answers Prayer Ministries helps us to reach millions with the Gospel of Jesus
Christ around the globe.
Together, through partnership, God Answers Prayer Ministries is felt in rural and urban America and
Indeed all around the world, with the good news of the Gospel. |
“He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” |
Mark 16:15 (NIV) |
What a privilege it is to serve Almighty God during these exciting times, Everlasting Father is accomplishing great
and mighty things and that’s why we want to personally invites you to give a financial gift, so that together, we can
fulfill the great commission and win the lost of the world into His Mighty Kingdom.
Covenant Partner
By committing to this partnership with God Answers Prayer Ministries, with your love gift of any amount
monthly seed-gifts as the Lord leads. Provide teaching of the good news of the Gospel to the
hurting and the lost souls worldwide, and we will pray for you and your loved ones on a daily basis.
Together through our ministry, you'll be leading multitude of people into the Kingdom of God
Become a part of our ministry-family at a level of spiritual power and inner transformation against the kingdom of darkness from stagnancy, barrenness, evil bindings, and total breakthroughs.
Partner with us by enrolling in our auto-giving program, having your gift deducted through recurring credit card or bank drafts.
Periodically offer special gifts for your spiritual edification and growth.
I will automatically send you prayer points letter each month dealing with daily issues in life.
It would be an honor for our ministry to partnering with you in this vision of teaching the truth of the Gospel to the
body of Christ around the world. Thank you for your generous support.
Covenant Partner
Enroll Now! |